Hosting a New Year's Eve party is a familiar tradition, but you can add a personal touch by creating a unique theme. For example, you can develop a family-friendly tradition of hosting movies, board games and singing. Adapt to an adult crowd by hiring a DJ and renting a dance floor. One of the most important traditions is spending time with people that matter, and that can be accomplished by putting on the party of the year.
Midnight Rituals
The tradition of kissing your significant other at midnight is well-known. Make it more creative by finding a fun location for that midnight kiss. You might choose the same location every year, or you could choose a unique spot annually. In either case, you can make the moment memorable and fun.
A midnight toast is another familiar tradition. Add some creativity by selecting themed champagne glasses like redneck champagne flukes. Make it meaningful by writing a sentimental speech or a humorous limerick to read before the glasses clink. Simplify it by encouraging everyone present to share a resolution or positive thought for the coming year.
Resolutions and Alternatives
Many people enjoy the idea of choosing a resolution for the New Year. However, many are also frustrated by the idea of trying to keep up with a lofty goal. Consider replacing resolutions with New Year's predictions, encouraging those with whom you celebrate to make a personal prediction for the coming year. This will allow for that same sentiment without the pressure to perform.
Cultural Traditions
You can explore the New Year's traditions of the international community by serving different foods and observing special activities. Make a huge batch of tamales for a Mexican observance. Eat round fruit and wear polka dots as you ring in the year Philippines style. Don't forget to sing Auld Lange Syne as you add a Scottish flair to your celebration.
Traditions are fun, and you can make your celebration an event to remember by including those activities that will make a personal impact for you and for those with whom you share New Year's Eve. For a wide selection of decorations for this holiday season visit our online store. We carry seasonal decorations and much more.